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napi Trance

napi Trance

Mr. Saxobeat

2011. augusztus 19. - Kosztya

Alexandra Stan - Mr. Saxobeat (Original Mix)

You make me dance
Bring me up, bring me down
Play it sweet
Make me move like a freak
Mister Saxobeat

Makes me dance
Brings me up, brings me down
Plays it sweet
Makes me move like a freak
Mister Saxobeat

You make me dance
Bring me up, bring me down
Play it sweet
Make me move like a freak
Mister Saxobeat

Makes me dance
Brings me up, brings me down
Plays it sweet
Makes me move like a freak
Mister Saxobeat

Oh oh oh oh eh hm yeah eh
Hm yeah eh hmhmhm yeah eh
Oh oh eh hm yeah eh
Hm yeah eh hmhmhm yeah eh
Oh eh hm yeah eh
Hm yeah eh hmhmhm yeah eh
Oh oh eh hm yeah eh
Hm yeah eh hmhmhm yeah eh

Hey, sexy boy, set me free
Don’t be so shy, play with me
My dirty boy, can’t you see
That you belong next to me
Hey, sexy boy, set me free
Don’t be so shy, play with me
My dirty boy, can’t you see

You are the one I need

You make me dance
Bring me up, bring me down
Play it sweet
Make me move like a freak
Mister Saxobeat

Makes me dance
Brings me up, brings me down
Plays it sweet
Makes me move like a freak
Mister Saxobeat

Oh oh oh oh eh hm yeah eh
Hm yeah eh hmhmhm yeah eh
Oh oh eh hm yeah eh
Hm yeah eh hmhmhm yeah eh
Oh eh hm yeah eh
Hm yeah eh hmhmhm yeah eh
Oh oh eh hm yeah eh
Hm yeah eh hmhmhm yeah eh

You make me dance
Bring me up, bring me down
Play it sweet
Make me move like a freak
Mister Saxobeat

Makes me dance
Brings me up, brings me down
Plays it sweet
Makes me move like a freak
Mister Saxobeat

You make me dance
Bring me up, bring me down
Mister Saxobeat
You make me dance
Bring me up, bring me down
Mïster Saxobeat

Niton (The Reason)

Eric Prydz - Niton (The Reason) (Original Club Mix)

You are the reason why
Years fly by, and I don't find
The strength I need to grow
I know, I know

Enemies, they stand in line
I'm on my knees, and I can't find
The words to let you know
I know, I know, I know

You are the reason why
Years fly by, and I don't find
The strength I need to grow
I know, I know

Enemies, they stand in line
I'm on my knees, and I can't find
The words to let you know
I know, I know, I know

You are the reason why

Love Song

Amiel - Love Song (Jason Mill Remix)

Its one thing to ask why we break up
Have you ever
Wondered why it is we fall in love
Can you tell me
Do you know what it is you're looking for
What do we need
Can you tell me why I care
How is it that we heed
That voice that says i want you there

Thanks you've been fuel the thought
Now I'm more lonely than before
But thats okay i've just ready-made another fucking love song
Thanks you've been fuel the thought
Now im more lonely than before
But thats okay i've just ready-made another fucking love song

Fire Sign

Agulo feat. David Berkeley - Fire Sign (Suncatcher Remix)

Should've told me
Seemed like an ordinary day
Everything seemed to be ok
Did it hurt you
These are the scars
You never show
She is a fire sign you know
One day you're near and
Then you go...

They deceive you
There was a wall you had to find
The echoes in your mind
You’ll surrender
These are the lessons that you learn
Nobody hears, no one’s concerned
One days it's clear and then you burn...

Here is a photograph
What do you see...?
Sorry it's just me
Oh in the aftermath
Is hard to see,
And harder to believe.

Even just a sound
And all your cards are down
Even just a sound...
Let me lay you down
You don't have to
Make a sound
I will lay you down

It sourrounds you
Sometimes is easy
To believe,
Sometimes it hurts
More than it seems...

Now it's over,
These are the scars
You never show
There was a
Warning sign, you know
One day you're near and then you go
One day you're near and then you go
One day you're near and then you go
One day you're near and then you go...

The Ones We Loved

Kuffdam & Plant feat. Terry Ferminal  - The Ones We Loved (Dogzilla Remix)

Where are the ones we used to love
Where are the people who seemed the same as me
Never changing how we feel
As time moves on we slowly drift apart

I wonder how things would be
If you all had stayed around
I see you passing through my life
The ones that I knew best are by my side

A Zöld, a Bíbor, és a Fekete

Pandora's Box - A Zöld, a Bíbor, és a Fekete

Kereslek végtelen utakon, de csak a semmi vár
Dörögve zúgnak a betonon lánctalpas éjszakák
Falakról bámul az unalom, csak a csend szól rám
Csillagok hullnak, születnek újak és te messze jársz.

Zöld csillag kihunyt az égen, a csónak partot ért
Hideg csendben fekete minden, legyen az álmod,
Legyen az álmod szép.

Állok a felnyitott hidakon zavaros víz fölött
Kereslek túltömött buszokon, bezárt ajtók mögött
Állok ott ahol a szobád van, bíbor köd szitál
Csillagok hullnak, születnek újak és te messze jársz.

Zöld csillag kihunyt az égen, a csónak partot ért
Hideg csendben fekete minden legyen az álmod szép.

Játszd el a dalt ami sose szólt, vedd fel a fehér gitárt
Játszd el régi húrokon az utolsó utazást
Idegen árnyak a színpadon, folyik a show tovább
Csillagok hullnak, születnek újak és te messze jársz.

Zöld csillag kihunyt az égen, a csónak partot ért
Hideg csendben fekete minden, legyen az álmod szép.

Zöld csillag kihunyt az égen, a csónak partot ért
Hideg csendben fekete minden, legyen az álmod szép
Legyen az álmod szép.

(A szerkesztőség tisztában van vele, hogy ez a zene egy teljesen másik stílus. De egyszerűen nem hagyhattuk figyelmen kívül ezt a művet, tökéletes az elejétől a végéig!)

Winter Stayed

Triple A - Winter Stayed (Armin van Buuren's On the Beach Intro Mix)

Winter is here to stay
Freezing till I'm cold and empty
I come undone
All has been said,
All is done
Standing still
I'm lost inside

Darkness is here to stay
A different kind of pain
I'm feeling
Longer days
Reality staring me in the face
Standing still
I'm all left without

All the love I knew faded
As winter came,
Winter stayed
The promises of spring taken
Buried under ice,

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